Saturday, July 12, 2008

Experience 1 - Cockroaches - Life after joining Isha Yoga

I will start relating my experiences about how my life has changed since joining Isha Yoga. I have been afraid of cockroaches. A weird looking creature. It will send shivers in my spine, if I see the cockroach lying upside down, scrambling for life. The horrible spongy body. The flying cockroaches. You never know when they will come upon you.
Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev (From now on, I will refer to him as Sadhguru) has always advised his meditators to be playful and creative. He would say that you will have to commit any 5 playful things during the day. Every act you do, should have a quality of newness. Your life will simply grow, has life progresses. It so happened, that I decided to experiment with the cockroaches. I wanted to know, why I am resisting this harmless creature. I cannot catch the cockroach in my hand because that will suffocate him, So I simply placed my hand before the cockroach and waited till it would crawl up in my hand. But something strange happened. It was running away from me, fearing for his life maybe or maybe this act is so unusual for him to see. So, it went on. I kept running after it and it kept running away from me. I conquered my fear of cockroach. Sometimes, i would simply touch the feathers of the cockroach in front of childrens, and they would get excited. I started playing with everybody's fear. I told everyone, that the day i found any dead cockroaches, I will sprang it upon them. I came to know that such small acts can enrich one's life. If i find any new event's to be added in the cockroach blog, I will add it later................

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