Thursday, February 19, 2009

Obstacles in the path

The following excerpts are from the book Glimpse after Glimpse by Sogyal Rinpoche :-

When little obstacles crop up on the spiritual path, a good practitioner does not lose faith and begin to doubt, but has the discernment to recognize difficulties, whatever they may be, for what they are - just obstacles, and nothing more. It is the nature of things that when you recognize an obstacle as such, it ceases to be an obstacle. Equally, it is by failing to recognize the obstacle for what it is, and therefore taking seriously, that it is empowered and solidified and becomes a real blockage.

My own experience :-

I have experienced various kind of obstacles in my life, ranging from small to intense. When problems come, it looks like that it will stay here for eternity, making us fearful. But it is actually just a phase, which comes and go. One does not have to do anything. The only thing one can do is to maintain dignified living, not to compromise on the values we have learned in Isha. The bad phase simply passes off, leaving no signature of it behind. Sometimes I wonder that the reason for which I became fearful is still present but the very nature of fear does not stays. It passes off. Only patience, and taking care of the light of love which was burned through Sadhguru's kriya, will help you to tread your path joyfully. Really, if you are in love with Sadhguru, you will pass off the hardest of obstacles in your life. I remember Sadhguru's saying that "Whatever you may do in you life, simply weigh your act whether it is for me or it is against me. A simple sadhana.

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