Sunday, June 19, 2011

"I am not for DRUGS" -Osho

For centuries humanity has struggled to stop drugs, but has failed. The only way to get rid of drugs is to purify drugs. And it is possible because they are chemical -- we can change their composition. And we can make them so useful that they don't destroy or harm anybody, but just give him a restful, peaceful moment to look beyond his ordinary life. That may help him to inquire more deeply, that small incident may become a search for meditation. 
                          Unless drugs can be used as a step towards meditation, they are dangerous. As they are today they are all dangerous, and no government has been able to prevent them. All kinds of measures... millions of people are in jail -- particularly young people, who have been utterly destroyed by those drugs. And a simple solution... I have always wondered why the people who are in power always go for something that is impossible and don't try that which is very simple. The simplest thing is that no factories should produce any drug that destroys anything in people's minds. The drug should be a nourishment and creative of an urge towards meditation. But nobody has even proposed that.

The situation is the same with all our difficulties. Those who are in power are in power only because most of the humanity is sick. Either they are sick because of undernourishment, or they are sick because of wrong nourishment. Either they are suffering from drugs, or they are suffering from anxieties and other anguishes.

                             It seems the elite, the powerful, want people to remain as they are. Nobody wants that everybody should become a Buddha. And every opportunity should be provided -- by education, by parents, by neighbours -- every opportunity to help the person to meditate.

                                My understanding is that there is nothing in the world to be denied. I am absolutely in affirmation of everything, because even poison can be used to cure something. So nothing has to be denied, only you have to find how to use it in an affirmative way so that life becomes richer. Now, you say a few people heard that I endorse drugs. In a way, yes; however, not the drugs that are available, but the drugs that can be created, which will not be the same as marijuana or hashish or LSD. They will have a different composition of chemicals, helping your body and mind in all the possible ways. So they heard rightly, but they may interpret it wrongly.

                              They may think, "My God, I have been thinking Osho is against drugs." And they may have rushed after the meeting, thinking, "Enough of the Buddha, now find someone who is selling all kinds of drugs." But they misinterpreted me, they did injustice to me. I am not for these drugs. Man can reach the moon, and he cannot transform a drug with its negative, harmful aspects to have life affirmative, life enhancing qualities. It is simply a surprise. Nobody is trying in that direction just because the religious leaders are afraid: if people become satisfied with drugs, who is going to go to church? Who is going to go to temples? People will simply be enjoying drugs, and without any bad effects so you cannot even speak against them.

                            The governments will be afraid of such drugs, because soldiers will be taking them and then you cannot convince them that they have to go to war. They will become so peaceful. They have to be kept in such a state that they are ready any moment to kill anybody. But if such drugs are available then there will be such peace in the soldiers. The general may order, "Turn left!" and nobody will turn left.

                                   Something that has not been solved for centuries and has disturbed millions of people's lives... It is time that somebody points out to the scientists and to the governments of the world that they are unnecessarily torturing millions of people in jails. The simple thing will be to change the composition of the drugs and make the drugs healthier.

                                  But the trouble is, the government is interested in violent people, not silent people. And the priest is interested in tense, anxiety-ridden, miserable people. Otherwise, who is going to pray for whom? This is the basic reason why nothing has been done; otherwise it is a simple matter, nothing can be more simple. And the same is the situation with other matters.

The Language of

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