Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Are you Guilty ?

One MONK was caught of plucking and eating mangoes from tree and taken Him to court for hearing.
Judge asked the MONK, “Did you pluck and ate the mangoes from the tree?”
MONK said, “Yes”
Judge: Why?
MONK: I was hungry.
Judge: “Did you know that this tree does not belongs to you and owner of this tree had complained on you of trespassing and plucking and eating the mangoes from the tree.”
MONK: “Oh is it ! ”
Judge: Are you guilty of your act?
MONK: "No".
Judge: But, You agreed that you pluck and ate the mangoes from tree!
Judge: Then how come you say you are not guilty?

MONK to Judge: "GOD had made this world, nature and whole this Universe, HE is real owner and also this tree belongs to HIM and HE had kept inside the mango a delicious taste so that everyone can enjoy HIS creation and I was Hungry so I plucked the mango from tree and ate it."
Judge kept silent for a while and said: Oh! You are accepting that you ate mango and saying you are not guilty!
MONK asked the Judge: “Are you guilty of being Judge and giving decision”?
Judge with agony and confused face asked the MONK, “No, Why you are asking this question?”

MONK to Judge: “According to my knowledge and belief only GOD has the power to take decision and judge, everyone knows it and even you knows it, in spite of this you are taking HIS position and judging people and giving decision on the facts and evidence available to you in the court, if no facts and evidence available even guilty will be released with full respect and if someone who is really innocent fails to prove his innocence he will be sentenced to punishment. What an irony!? WHEN YOU ARE NOT GUILTY OF SUCH A BIG ACT HOW COME I AM? WHICH IS NOT AT ALL A CRIME.

Judge and all people there were stunned with no answer!
Well, there are so many things in life which does not have a proper answer, better to keep quite and leave it to GOD, according to Judge it is a mistake from MONK side where as from MONK side the scenery is totally different.
In our life we also do so many mistakes and take it to granted, but we always point out at others mistakes and try to make them realize that they had done mistake; if some one judges or gives advice or suggestion to us we ask, "Who are you to do so"; we think we can judge the people around us and think that we are perfect where as fact is that we are still imperfect and immature that's why we are still living this Human life full of misery, and we go against "Law of Nature or GOD" and only our Ego reflects in day to days activities; does any one had done "SELF INTROSPECTION" - are we guilty!?

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