Saturday, July 30, 2011

Obsession : A Radical Islam's War against the West - A 10 part series of a 1 hour movie.

Bloggers Remark : We all know how the World Media has blaming the Islamists for any terror attack that happens in the world. I am not a Muslim, but still I feel the need, that the Sane, Peace loving people of Islam needs to be separated from the Insane Extremist, who have been propaganding hate and violence, through their unfounded ideology.
Infact, I have witnessed many people from my family and friends harbouring hatred, at just the sight of seeing a Muslim. Then how will peace be established in the world, If people start blaming all the muslims of the world, whenever any Insane extremists launches a terror attack against the innocent people. There should be a clear demarcation between the Innocent Muslims and these Insane Extremists. People also need to understand that many innocent muslims may choose not to speak, fearing the backlash from the community they are living in. Surely, we should send our love waves to these innocent muslims, who do not feel any affinity with these Extremists.
My heart flows down also to these Extremists, just at the thought of, why should they live a life of hatred, of immense suffering, when it can be lived with such joy and fun. We really cannot blame these extremists, since they have been groomed in hatred and violence since their childhood. They have lost the power to discriminate between sanity and insanity. Just imagine a child of 3 years, who has grown up, seeing only the guns, bombs and the sight of hatred of their parents. What can such a helpless child grow up to be ? Surely even these terrorists needs compassion.
And what to say of the So called religious people of the world, who hate muslims. The very definition of being spiritual is to experience the Oneness of all beings in the world. So how can One hate anybody for any reason ?

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