Thursday, July 28, 2011

Searching for fulfillment ? Sadhguru answers.

Fulfillment is not attained by some action. In every stage of your life you thought, “If this happens, my life will become complete.” When you were a child you thought, “If I get this toy, my life will be complete.” You got that, but after three days you took it and threw it into the dustbin. Life did not attain fulfillment. When you were in school you thought that if you passed your examination, life would be complete. That happened, and still nothing happened. Then you thought that if you complete your education, your life would be complete. That too happened. Now you thought, what is the use of all this education if you are not able to stand on your own two feet? That happened. After three months you began to think, what is the use of working like a donkey? If you get married to that man or woman who is in your heart, your life would become complete. That happened and then you know what happened!

Whatever action you may have performed, life has not attained any fulfillment. Fulfillment will not come because of some action that you perform. Only if your inner nature is complete, your life will attain fulfillment. If your inner nature is unbounded, your life is also unbounded. Now, you can either sit with your eyes closed or you can perform different actions, either way your life is complete. When man has reached a state where, within himself, he does not have the need to perform any action and the actions that he performs are only to the extent required for the external situation, then that man has become complete.

Please see, why have you been performing one action after another? It is towards fulfillment, isn’t it? People who perform action in excess, when you ask them why they are doing all that they are doing, they answer, “What to do? Food, wife, kids who will take care of them?” The truth is, even if you fulfill all his needs, this person cannot sit quietly for even a day. Why, he cannot even sit for three hours! He has to do some thing. This is because your inner nature has not attained fulfillment and you are trying to do so through actions. Your actions are not happening for your food or comforts; they are all happening in search of fulfillment. Whether this has happened with or without awareness, the actions indicate the search for unboundedness. If you search consciously, you are spiritual.

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