Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Akash - The Womb of Creation

To nourish the human being into a greater possibility, it is very important how the water, the air, the earth, the fire and the fifth dimension, which is the largest one, the space or akash, behave. Today, modern science is recognizing there is something called as akashik intelligence; that is, empty space has a certain intelligence. Whether this intelligence works for you or against you will determine the nature of your life, whether you are a blessed being or one who is going to be knocked around for the rest of your life.

For no reason, some people are being hammered around by life. For no reason, some people seem to be blessed with everything. It is not for no reason. It is your ability – either consciously or unconsciously, to be able to get the cooperation of this larger intelligence which is functioning. The fundamental element is akash or the space. It is improper to call it the fifth element, because it is the element. All the other four just play upon it. Now we are here on a round planet. The Earth, the solar system, this galaxy, the whole cosmos, everything is all held in place only by the akash. You, yourself are held in place by akash.

Have you noticed, even Tendulkar looks up? It is not just him, right from ancient times man has been doing this when he achieved something in great moments of success. Some of them may be looking up for the uperwalla or for some god, but in most of them, unknowingly there is a realization. At any time, when you hit a peak experience, physically without even your awareness, your body in gratitude looks upward because somewhere there is a recognition, there is an intelligence in a human being which recognizes that.

If you know how to get the cooperation of the akash into your life, this will be a blessed life. An intelligence that you have never thought possible will become yours, because an intelligence which is beyond your understanding and grasp is right now functioning right here within you, isn’t it? It is that intelligence which is holding the whole cosmos together; it is that intelligence which is the womb for creation. It is in the womb of that intelligence that all creation is happening, and it is not denied to you. Access is not blocked, it is just that you have never looked that way.

You are so engrossed in the little nature of who you are; your body, your thought, your emotion and your hormones have engaged you so much that looking up and paying attention to something beyond, never occurs to you. So many fantastic things are happening in the cosmos today in absolutely miraculous and fantastic ways but one little worm of a thought is worming through your head and that keeps you engaged. That is maya. Maya does not mean that the existence does not exist. It is just that when something so phenomenal and fantastic is happening, these little things keep you busy and engaged and they make you feel as if these little things are more real than everything else.

So to get the cooperation of the akash, there is one simple process you could do. After sunrise, before the sun crosses the 30-degree angle from the horizon, look up at the sky once and bow down to it for holding you in place today. After the sun crosses 30 degrees, sometime during the day, any time, look up and bow down again. After the sun sets, once again look up and bow down; not to some god up there, just to the empty space for holding you in place for today. If you just do this, life will change dramatically. If you consciously do this three times a day, if you get cooperation from akash, life will happen in magical ways.

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