Friday, October 12, 2012

On earth we are but travelers—guests on a brief visit. - Paramhansa Yogananda

"“Those who are immersed in body-consciousness are like strangers in a foreign land. Our native country is Omnipresence. On earth we are but travelers—guests on
a brief visit.

“Unfortunately, most people make undesirable guests of themselves! They insist on monopolizing a small portion of this earth as their very own. Their constant thought is, ‘my home, my wife, my husband, my children.’ Material entanglements, sweet and mysterious, keep them dreaming through the sleep of delusion. They forget who and what they really are.

“Wake up! before your dream of life vanishes into the infinite. When this body drops in death, where will your family be? your home? your money? You are not this body. The body is only a plate, given to you that you might eat from it the feast of Spirit.

“Why not learn this essential lesson before death? Why wait? Don’t tie yourself to the limitations of human consciousness, but remember the vastness of the Spirit within.”

--Paramhansa Yogananda

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