Wednesday, October 10, 2012

When the disciple disappears into master - Osho

AND THAT IS THE MOMENT OF GREAT BLESSINGS... when the disciple disappears, when the disciple is only a vehicle of the Master.

And the Master is nobody except the whole. The Master is one who is not. The Master is one who has already disappeared into God. THE MASTER IS ALREADY A HOLLOW BAMBOO AND GOD IS USING HIM AS A FLUTE.

When the disappearance also has happened to the disciple... The first experience is that of meeting and merger with the Master... Because the disciple does not know what God is, he knows only the Master. THE MASTER IS HIS OR HER GOD.

ONCE THE DISCIPLE DISAPPEARS INTO THE MASTER and allows the Master to enter into the innermost core of his being, the second experience is that the Master has never been there. Hidden behind the Master's hands were God's hands, hidden behind the Master's words were God's messages. The Master was only a singer, singing the songs of the infinite and the eternal.

The Book of Wisdom
Ch #23: Behind the Master's hands
am in Buddha Hall

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