Monday, February 11, 2013

A seven year old kid, asks Bhagavan about Meditation, saying Nobody is answering him. A sharing from Bhagavan Ramana's life.

Question : Amidst family, job and so many other things and tension how to keep your mind on one thought?

Answer : It can be explained by an anecdote. A seven year old boy went to Bhagawan and asked,

“Tatha, everybody talks about meditation (dhyana), what is it? Nobody tells me what it is but they put me off saying that I am too young to understand.Won’t you tell me about it?”

Bhagavan replied “OK, I will tell you”. At that time somebody brought a lunch box having plenty of dosas for Bhagawan. Bhagawan gave one dosa to this boy and said “Do not eat it now”. He laid down some conditions for eating that dosa.
He said,

''When you begin to eat you will not stop until I say “Stop” and nothing should be left when I say ‘Stop”.

Naturally the boy had to be careful. The boy was looking at Bhagawan and eating. He started with big chunks first and then with small ones waiting continuously for Bhagawan’s indication to stop. While eating, his whole attention was focussed on Bhagawan as he did not know when and how Bhagavan will ask him to stop.

Bhagavan said :“This is meditation.You were doing an activity viz, eating dosa but kept your attention on me; similarly do all your worldly activities but keep your constant attention on God”.

From the book "Living happily forever"
by Swami Shantananda Puri

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