Saturday, April 27, 2013

Meera's Husband - An example of One's inner life is often best kept a secret from others

As narrated by Swami Kriyananda :-

One's inner life is often best kept a secret from others.  Yogananda told us the story of Meera, a queen who lived several centuries ago in India.  She herself was a bhakta (one who follows the path of devotion), and many devotees would gather around her for blissful sankirtans (group singing to God).  Her one grief in life was that her own husband never spoke of God.

                  He, meanwhile, was actually an even greater lover of God than she.  But he had promised the Lord, "If anyone ever discovers my secret, i will leave this body, for i will feel that my devotion has been besmirched."

                   One night, lying beside him in bed, Meera awoke to hear him crying quietly, "Oh, my Beloved, how can i live without seeing You! This world of maya(delusion) means nothing to me! Help me to know you! Help me to merge in You!

                    The next morning, with radiant face, she cried to him, "Aha, i have discovered your secret!."

                    "Don't say it", he cried. "Please don't say it."
                    "Oh yes. I know now how much you love God."
                    "I am sorry you told me that. Now, i shall leave you, for i promised God that i would no longer keep this body if anyone ever discovered the precious secret i have been keeping."

                     He sat on the floor in lotus pose, and forthwith left his body.

Excerpts from the book "Paramhansa Yogananda - A biography" by Swami Kriyananda.

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