Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Most of the problems in this world is because lack of love

Guruji gave this story: There was a boy whose parents brought him to Guruji complaining that the boy was not at all obedient to the parents. He was wasting away his life. He was older than the other boys in his class, and no one was ready to take him under their guidance. They hoped Guruji would take him under his protection. Guruji refused to take the boy without having a heart-to-heart talk with the boy. Guruji spoke to the boy and asked him why he disobeyed his parents. The boy said he did that because he was often beaten by the parents. Guruji agreed to take the boy in, providing the boy would promise to be honest with Guruji. Guruji told him that if ever he felt like having a smoke he should not smoke on the sly, but come to Guruji and Guruji would not only let him smoke but even give him the money to buy the cigarettes. The boy thought Guruji was only joking. For a few days he could abstain from the desire to smoke, but a few days later he was strongly tempted to smoke, so he went to Guruji and told him that he had a strong urge to smoke. Guruji at once gave him some money and told him to go and buy himself a cigarette. This astonished the boy. He felt so ashamed to go and buy himself a cigarette that he decided to give up the habit of smoking altogether.

What was the principle behind this story? The boy was able to communicate with Guruji. He was also able to relate to Guruji as his father and mother. He could trust Guruji. Also, the problem was not so much the child’s problem. His parents used to beat him up, so the parents were also responsible for that condition. No trust, no love from the parents, so the child was finding love in other ways. Such a child can also become a terrorist. He then becomes a negative person. Guruji has also said, “Only love can take my place” and Babaji has said, “Only love can change this world.” MOST OF THE PROBLEMS IN THIS WORLD ARE BECAUSE OF A LACK OF LOVE.

Swami Shuddhanandji , How to Overcome All the Problems in Life

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