Thursday, May 30, 2013

Volunteer for life - Sadhguru

Give openly, without expecting anything in return, and attain mukti.

Volunteering means willingness. When we do things out of our own inspiration, it is called volunteering. If we are inspired, who can stop us? We are not doing it for any purpose; just out of our inspiration. Since the willingness has come from within us, there is no calculation.

Unfortunately, in our day-to-day lives, it doesn’t matter where we go; whether to buy vegetables, or gold, or to get married? Our main concern at these times is to give less and get more. We are considered smart if we manage to get more for less.

But life does not operate like that. Volunteering means to give openly without expecting anything in return. Once we do this, we’ll acquire a different kind of strength. Once we gain this strength of being what we are whether we receive anything in return or not, we’ll get mukti.

Volunteering means just that. It is a rare sadhana. Every human being should make use of this. Every moment of our lives, wherever we are, we should be a volunteer. To make this a part of our lives, we should start by volunteering at our homes, offices and in our neighborhood. We can do small things like -

• Helping our family members and neighbours in their work without them asking for help.

• Complete a pending household chore or take up something new.

• Plant a tree or a plant in a flower pot and tend to it daily.

• Educate children for half an hour a week

• Spend time and share our joy with underprivileged children or old people

• Cook and serve the needy

When we take up these activities regularly, we’ll see that it makes a big difference. Our life will be full of actions that happen out of our own willingness and not under somebody’s pressure. This is volunteering; this is a life of freedom.

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