Friday, May 24, 2013

Who says that Enlightened Masters don't get angry :P :P :P

I appreciate whatever God gives me, but I don't miss it, when it is gone. Someone once gave me a beautiful coat and hat, an expensive outfit. Then began my worry. I had to be concerned about not tearing or soiling it. It made me uncomfortable. I said, "Lord, why did You give me this bother?"

One day I was to lecture in Trinity Hall here in Los Angeles. When I arrived at the hall and started to remove my coat, the Lord told me, "Take away your belongings from the pocket." I did so. When I returned to the cloakroom after the lecture, the coat was gone. I was angry, and someone said, "Never mind, we will get You another coat." I replied, "I am not angry because I lost the coat, but because whoever took it, didn't take the hat that matches it, too."

Don't let your feelings rule you. How can you be happy if you are all the time fussing about your clothes or other possessions? Dress neatly in clean clothes and then forget about them, clean your house and forget it.

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