Wednesday, August 21, 2013

“He still thinks he can do it all by himself. - Yogananda

After Master accepted me as his disciple…I had his picture in my room and I knew he was omnipresent. I would say, “Help me, help me.” A few days later, Master said to me, “Keep doing that and you will get there.” He knew what I was thinking as he is omnipresent. God is everywhere and Master is one with him. Master is always here. There are no holes in God…

We need a spiritual companion that says, “I AM THERE. I WILL HELP YOU. YOU WILL BE ALRIGHT.” This is the Guru. You must CULTIVATE a close personal relationship with the Guru. This is one of the most important tasks of the disciple. He is there but you must cultivate it. This is very important...

Here is one of the best guru-disciple relationship stories. Master is on the grounds of Mt. Washington. One of the disciples who got Kriya from Master was there. He showed no sign of reverence or devotion towards Master. He said, “I have done over one million Kriyas.” Brother was very impressed. When he left, again he showed no sign of reverence to the guru. Guruji said, “He still thinks he can do it all by himself. I try to tell him he needs help to tune in. Kriya yoga will get him to the door but he will not get through the door to God.” He did not know the formula. You must have devotion and devotion to the guru.

excerpts from a devotee note angel, on Brother Anandamoy's talk-- "Attunement With God’s Help and Blessings Through the Guru"

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