Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I call him the real man of power, compassion and integrity.

This is Satoshi Komiyama, a caring Japanese man who entered the waters of Taiji Cove this week. He is pleading for the lives of wild dolphins who have been captured in underwater nets. Some will be sold to marine parks around the world, where they will live out their lives in captivity. Later, this idyllic Cove will become the site of one of the world’s most brutal slaughters — where thousands of dolphins will be mercilessly killed for their flesh.

Surrounded by police who were there to defend the notorious annual hunt, Satoshi did the only thing he could do — he held up his sign, and pleaded. But it was only after he submerged his head under water that he could hear it — families of panicked dolphins crying out in distress. After returning to the surface, Satoshi tried to describe what he heard, and he broke down.

please share this !!

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