Monday, September 30, 2013

What is the right cocktail for you, to do Yoga. Find out.

Questioner : Master, there are so many different kinds of yoga. How do I know which type of yoga is best for me?
Sadhguru : Right now, the only things which are in your experience are your body, your mind, and your emotions. You know them to some extent, and you can infer that if these three things have to happen the way they are happening, there must be an energy that makes them happen. Without energy, all this cannot be happening. Some of you might have experienced it. Others can easily infer that for these three things to function, there must be an energy behind them. For example, the microphone is amplifying the sound of my voice. Even if you don’t know anything about the microphone, you can infer that there is a source that powers it.
So these are the only four realities in your life: body, mind, emotion, and energy. Whatever you wish to do with yourself, it must be on these four levels. Whatever you wish to do, you can only do it with your body, your mind, your emotions or your energy. If you use your emotions and try to reach the ultimate, we call this bhakti yoga. That means the path of devotion. If you use your intelligence and try to reach the ultimate, we call this gnana yoga. That means the path of intelligence. If you use your body, or physical action to reach the ultimate, we call this karma yoga. That means the path of action. If you transform your energies and try to reach the ultimate, we call this kriya yoga. That means internal action.
These are the only four ways you can get somewhere: either through karma, gnana, bhakti or kriya – body, mind, emotion, or energy.

“No, no, I am on the path of faith. I don’t need to do anything else.”

Is there anybody here who is only head, no heart, hands and energy?
Is there anybody here who is only heart, not the other things?

You are a combination of these four things.

It is just that in one person the heart may be dominant,
in another person the head may be dominant,
in yet another person the hands may be dominant, but everybody is a combination of these four. So you need a combination of these four.

It is just that, only if it is mixed in the right way for you, it works best for you.

What we give for one person, if it is given to you, it may not work well for you because that person is so much heart and this much head.

That is why on the spiritual path there is so much stress on a live Guru. He mixes the cocktail right for you, otherwise there is no punch.

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