Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Do not be anxious if you don't have meditative experience.

"Do not be anxious if you don't have meditative experience. The path to God is not a circus! Don't even be anxious about such fruits of meditation as inner joy and peace. Everything will come in God's time. Meanwhile, consider meditation, too as a form of Karma Yoga, action without desire for the fruits of action. Meditate above all to please God, not yourself.

"Every sincere effort is registered in the divine conciousness. Your duty as a devotee is to accept whatever He sends you--and for that matter, whatever He doesn't send. God alone knows what past karma keeps you from perceiving Him right now. He may want you to finish up your karma in this life, before He gives you eternal bliss in Him."

Paramhansa Yogananda.

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