Friday, January 17, 2014

If you think of the Sage, the Sage will think of you - Robert Adams

----- if you think of the Sage, the Sage will think of you -----

S> How can a seeker maximize his serious relationship with the Sage? What can he do to make the relationship deeper?

R> Simply by sitting with the Jnani all day long.

When you’re home, where you’re working, think of the Sage.
When you think of the sage’s form, the sage’s name, things will begin to happen to you.
Find peace.
Try it.
Then you will be with the Sage continuously.
Whenever you think of a living Sage, the Sage becomes part of your heart, it’s the complete heart and you feel the love of the Sage within you.

So if you think of the Sage, the Sage will think of you.
Whatever you think about, that you become ultimately.
So you have to be very careful what you think about.
Whatever you think about, you become.
Think of the Sage, you become the Sage.

246 Beyond Mental Concepts – July 18, 1993

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