Saturday, March 22, 2014

Is it harder for Westerners to withdraw inwards? Bhagavan Ramana answers.

 Q: Is it harder for Westerners to withdraw inwards?

M: Yes, they are rajasic, their energy goes outwards. We must be inwardly quiet, not forgetting the Self, then externally we can go on with our activities. Does a man who is on the stage acting as a female role forget that he is a man? Similarly, we too must play our parts on the stage of life, but without identifying ourselves with those parts.

In the West only those that are disgusted with material life may turn to the path.

Q: What is the difference between West and East?
M: All have to come to the same goal.

Q: I am a sinful man.
M: Why think of yourself that way? You have rightly thrown all responsibility onto God in whom you have faith and He
will look after that.

Some devotees came and complained to the Maharshi about another's behavior.
M: Did you come to reform others or to reform yourself?

Q: In this pure atmosphere it is easy to practice but in towns
it is difficult.
M: When you see the true Self, is it not a pure atmosphere?
Let the body think what it wishes, but why should you think so? It is very good if you can just keep quiet without engaging in any other activities. If that can't be done, what is the use of being quiet? Even if you are obliged to be active, do not give up your attempt to realize the Self.

Conscious Immortality

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