Monday, March 3, 2014

Love is the power unto itself

An incident related by Sharada Maa:

At the Cossipore Garden the Master spent the last days of his life. The Master was completely bed-ridden. Swamiji (Swami Vivekananda) and other intimate devotees were serving him to the best of their ability. One evening they planned to drink juice by tapping a date palm which was in one corner of the Cossipore garden. The Master was told nothing of this plan.

In the evening, all of them proceeded towards the tree. Sharada Maa was staying then in the same building. She suddenly noticed the Master darting down like an arrow. Startled at this, she wondered, "Is it possible? How can one, who has to be helped even to change sides on his bed, rush down like that?" And yet, she had seen it happen actually before her eyes! She went to the Master's room and found his bed empty. In a bewildered state of mind, she searched for him everywhere. Not finding him, she returned to her room in extreme confusion and apprehension in her mind. A little later, she saw him again returning to his room as swiftly as he had left it.

Later when Sharada Maa asked him about this, he said, "Oh! Did you notice it?" He then continued, "They are all youngsters. They were proceeding merrily to drink the juice of the date palm in the garden. I saw a black cobra at the foot of the tree there which was so ferocious that it would have bitten them all. The boys did not know it. So I went by a different route and drove it away after warning, 'Never come here again'.

Sharada Maa was dumbfounded on hearing this. The Master had asked her not to divulge this to anyone then.

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