Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Be sensitive to hear and listen to your Inner Voice. Trust. Mooji

The instant you genuinely say Yes to Truth inside your Heart
a subtle vibration is felt. Don’t overlook it.
As you become open, it will guide you in subtle ways.
Day by day, you become increasingly aware of its presence.
Sometimes, it may just whisper. Why whisper?
So you bend down to listen and develop more sensitivity to truth.
In the beginning you have to make an effort to hear and to listen,
because other voices are also talking inside your head.
The more one identifies with the ego self, the more heavy life is felt to be.
The one who calls you is with you. Trust.
You must engage your discerning power to identify which is the true voice.
Basically, the less of ‘you’, the person, there is, the more Truth reveals itself.
The one who grasps this begins to see things in such a calm and light way.
Stay like this—observant. Move like this—empty.
Don’t wait for the Real to come.
Recognise, inside your heart - I am already here.

~ Mooji, Sahaja 2015

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