Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Sadhguru on the use of syllables"SaReGaMa"

Existence will yield to you only if you pay attention to something.

Sadhguru : Anything in this existence will yield to you only if you pay substantial attention to it. But now people have become like this, they can’t look at anything, everything is chuk chuk chuk chuk. Now in this condition there will be no wonder, only conclusions in your head. There is no perception, there is only, you know monologues going on in your head, there is no perception. If there is perception all noise in your head will just stop. If you’re looking at something absolutely beautiful and engaging everything stops. Why people are enjoying your cinema is just this, you switch off the lights, they’re focused on the thing for those whatever few minutes or ninety minutes or whatever, their usual monologues are gone, something else is happening. They don’t know what’s the next scene or whatever which keeps them on. But the important thing is their attention is engaged continuously, which makes them feel something has happened to them today going to the cinema hall. If you just keep the lights on, you will see cinema will not be effective. Or if somebody is talking to them, it’ll not be effective. They just sit there like this (Gestures), it is the attention which is making the difference, it is not what play… what’s playing on the screen. It is what is playing on the screen is instrumental in grabbing the attention but it is the attention, continuous attention which is making the experience of being there. So this is a rudimentary form of meditation. It’s called dharana, that you…

Anupam Kher: Yes, that’s… it’s mentioned in the seven different forms. So how does one in today’s time retain that attention span?

Sadhguru: One simple thing is… I mean if I say yoga, that’ll be a bad thing because it’s like I am promoting it – no. Everybody must do something about themselves. Every child, every school should bring this dimension that a child is required to pay attention to something continuously. It could be music; it could be dance. See you cannot do music or dance unless you pay attention to it you know. You’ll make a fool of yourself if do not pay enough attention. But you can pass an examination without attention. You understand? (Laughs)

 Above all, if you just… I’ve seen this simple thing, children came to us… we have a Isha Home School, which is a very… run in a very different way. I one day went to the Assembly hall, these six, six-and-a-half year old kids, they’re all like this (Gestures), like this, like this. I said, ‘Why are the kids like broken tops? Why are they shaking around like this?’ Then I just brought this thing, simply every day in the morning, ‘Sa ri ga ma pa da ni sa,’ fifteen minutes, everybody must do. You go there after two months they’re all sitting like this. (Gestures) That’s all it takes.

If you just make them walk in the forest in the night, one night, okay, in the darkness you just make them walk, you will see they will become like this. (Gestures) Their ability to pay attention will become like that. Their sense of wonder will explode. You just take them into the jungle, make them walk for a night, without torches, without cell-phones, without anything, in a protected atmosphere, you will see within one night there’ll be a tremendous transformation in the sense of wonder in the child’s life. But we are making them physically incapable of these things. Sitting just in front of the computers they are becoming physically incapable. When physically it hurts they will protest; they will not do anything. So it’s something that parents must take care off. Bringing up your child does not mean just sending him to school and getting marks and grades and nonsense. Your child in body and mind should grow up to full capabilities. That is when it’ll manifest in his life as success. Just marks will not manifest as success.




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