Thursday, July 11, 2013

Sadhguru : We want to know in a day's time for how many moments all of you is focused in one direction.

When you walk the spiritual path, your biggest enemy is the huge sense of doubt that will periodically arise. It's like a menstrual cycle; it keeps coming at regular periods for people. If you watch it, there is a pattern to this; it keeps coming back at certain times. "Am I just wasting my time? Am I missing out on my life, doing all this spiritual nonsense?" These things keep coming back, yes? (Laughs)

So the very basic purpose of being in the Himalayan spaces is this; being with people who are on the path and also making yourself available to situations and spaces which you cannot create by yourself. Periodically, most people - except people who are firmly on the path - need some kind of confirmation, some kind of guarantee that, yes, there is something. So the Himalayan trek is an attempt in that direction - to confirm that there is something beyond what you know. Something much more than what you know.

So if some kind of confirmation has happened to you in some way, you just have to intensify that and keep steadily on the focus. You may say, 'Oh, I have been with Isha for five years.' That's not the point. In twenty-four hours, how many moments are your mind, body, energy and emotion focused towards your spiritual wellbeing? How many moments? That's what you need to look at. You must make an account of it and see how to improve it on a daily basis. In twenty-four hours, how many moments are my body, my mind, my emotion and energy moving in the same direction? If these four are moving in four different directions, obviously you are not going to go anywhere.

Your mind is in spirituality, your emotion is strongly with your family, or something else. Your body wants to go to the restaurant, your energy - you know where. When you are like this, spirituality will remain just a dream and an entertainment. Only when all these four dimensions are focused in one direction, movement happens. Transformation happens. You start moving. If you look at yourself, even during those fifteen or thirty minutes of practice, only for a few moments are all these four things are focused in one direction, isn't it? Those are the fruitful moments. The rest of the moments are just imaginations. If you just increase the quantum of those moments in your day-to-day life, then you will see enormous transformation within you.

We don't count in years; we count in moments. We want to know in a day's time for how many moments all of you is focused in one direction. You just have to keep a count of your spiritual moments in a day. If you increase those, its pretty easy to get there. Only twenty-four hours in a day. Not a big number, is it?

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