Monday, July 15, 2013

Who are you to teach others? Ramakrishna Paramahansa asks.

Reminiscence of a Devotee of Paramahansa Ramakrishna, Mahendra Nath Gupta:

During my second visit to the Master, he asked me, "Well, do you believe in God with form or without form?" I had a tendency to argue on religious matters. I answered, "Sir, I like to think of God as formless." And I further said: "It is meaningless to worship a clay image. One should explain to those who worship a clay image that it is not God, and that while worshipping it, they should have God in view and not the clay image."

At that time there were so many lectures on this topic in Calcutta. But the Master immediately silenced me by saying: "That's the one hobby of you Calcutta people - giving lectures and bringing others to the light. Nobody ever stops to consider how to get the light himself. Who are you to teach others?" He continued: "You will not have to rack your brain on this matter. Look at the world - how it moves in an orderly way. It is God who sends the sun to shed light, the rain to give water, and the seasons to rotate. The earth produces the crops which help mankind to survive. God arranged everything for us. Look at the spiritual world. You can see temples and holy places all around the country. He created the scriptures and the holy people. These he arranged for people who want to lead a spiritual life. He thinks about everyone. We do not have to think of anything."

Listening to this, I was speechless. My inclination for argument stopped forever. I realized that the Lord is the doer and we are his instruments.

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