Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Meditation is a state of fasting -- not of physical fasting but of psychological fasting. - Osho.

Before the caterpillar can become a butterfly there comes a moment, a very strange moment: the caterpillar becomes a chrysalis. The caterpillar can move, the butterfly can fly, but there comes a moment between these two when all movement stops; the caterpillar becomes almost dead. That moment of becoming almost dead is the moment of gathering energy.

He does not eat, he does not move. He gathers energy, he gathers momentum, and when the right amount of energy is there, suddenly the caterpillar has disappeared: it is a butterfly. It is a totally different dimension. Now the whole sky is available, all freedom is available.

The same happens to man before he becomes a Buddha or a Siddha: all his movement has to stop in meditation. Meditation is a state of fasting -- not of physical fasting but of psychological fasting. You have to stop eating psychological food. You have to stop thinking, you have to stop desiring, you have to stop dreaming; that is the real fast. You have to stop crawling in the mind. And once this has happened, energy starts gathering; it is no more wasted. You become a great pool of energy, and when the right amount is there, immediately you are no more a man. You have become awareness, you have become bliss.


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