honey will bring a certain balance to the circulatory system which is
very essential for a yoga practitioner. Because you are pushing the body
in certain ways, it is important that your blood chemistry is in a good
place so that the body doesn’t have to make any absurd changes to
adjust to the chemical disproportion. Keeping the blood pure and the
chemistry in a certain balance will definitely happen with regular
consumption of honey. It is very necessary for someone who practices
also does similar things: it purifies the blood and brings a
translucence to your energies. Turmeric is one substance which not only
works on the physiology, it also has a very big impact on your energy
system. It creates a purification process in the blood, body and energy
system. You can use it as a purificatory even from outside. If you just
take a small pinch of turmeric, put it into a bucket full of water and
pour it over your body, you will see the body will be vibrant. When
people look at you, it looks like you are glowing.
is a very unique tree. A neem leaf has over 150 different kinds or
formats of chemistry. It is the most complex leaf that you can find on
the planet and it has particular benefits in opening up the system. In
India, if you have psychological problems, they “thrash” you with neem
leaves. If you have a toothache, we use a smaller stick. If you catch
very bad infections, we put you on neem leaf. If you want to prevent
cancer, we put neem paste into you. Above all, it generates heat in the
body. Generation of heat in the body is supportive for generating
intense forms of energy within the system.
Horse gram is one of the most protein-rich lentils found on the planet. It is very high-powered. Horse gram also helps with
ushna and generates a tremendous amount of
samath prana,
increasing heat in the body. In English, ushna translates as heat, and
sheeta translates as cold or cooling. But that is not an appropriate
translation. Suppose you are in a state of ushna, the body feels very
hot. But if you measure your temperature with a thermometer, it will
read normal. However, in your experience the body feels hot. That means
you are in a state of ushna. For a hata yogi, it is particularly
important to stay slightly oriented towards ushna because if you are on
the colder side, you become prone to injuries.
Source Link : http://blog.ishafoundation.org/yoga-meditation/demystifying-yoga/the-making-of-a-hata-yogi-eating-right/

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