Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Lord of this Universe : " Oh, that is what I have been waiting for from My child! "

Never accept discouragement or defeat in any aspect of your spiritual life. Keep on with your daily sadhana no matter what. 
Whenever I had periods when my heart felt dry and I wasn't having good meditations, I said: "Never mind, Lord, I will not give up. You will see, I will shake the walls of Your silence until You do respond! I am here, and I will not change my resolve. I will never leave You." 
The seeker after God has to convince Him, and then the Lord says: "That devotee means it. That devotee cannot be sidetracked from the path or tempted by offerings of the lesser goals of the world. That devotee wants Me. Oh, that is what I have been waiting for from My child!"

~Sri Daya Mata

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