Thursday, October 24, 2013

Travel at the speed of light and you will become light. Travel at the pace that I move, and you will become me. - Sadhguru

Just do everything with the same sense of involvement and energy, without paying less attention to one thing and more attention to something else.

Questioner : Sadhguru, this sounds awkward, but I'd like to say it. I want to become like you. Is there such a possibility for me?

Sadhguru : Grow a beard like me. (Laughs) Yesterday, somebody asked me a similar question in a different way, and I just reminded them that there is a simple phenomenon in life, in physical existence, that they should be aware of. If you know some physics, you know there that if, for example, if you take this piece of metal and throw it at the speed of light, it will not remain a mass as it is now; it will become light. Did you know this?

Anything in existence, if it travels at the speed of light, it becomes light. So everything in existence can be converted into light; if I just move this hand at the speed of light, this hand will no more remain a hand, it will become light. This is a scientific fact.

If you try to plug yourself into a electric socket - like the light bulb - it will do something else to you! You will not become light. So, whatever you consider to be Sadhguru, right now - I do not know what your idea of me is; that is also questionable - if a desire has risen within you, for whatever reason, that you want to become me, then you have to move at the same pace has me.

A very beautiful example was set by Adi Shankara. Adi Shankara was a walking man, you know? He died at the age of thirty-two, but before this he walked up and down this country three times. He even walked the country once or twice sideways, east and west. That is a lot of walking, isn't it? By the time he was thirty two he did all this walking. But it wasn't the walking that killed him, by the way!

When he walked his disciples walked behind him. And he set up this device. He demanded that the disciples should walk at his pace. Sometimes he walked very fast, sometimes slow, sometimes at medium speed. Whichever way he walked, everybody was expected to walk at just the same pace. If they walked at the wrong pace, they were reprimanded. He would walk ten miles an hour and everybody had to walk ten miles an hour. He would walk one mile an hour and everybody had to walk one mile an hour. He would walk three miles an hour and everybody had to walk three miles an hour. He would be walking at a certain speed, then he would alter his speed, and everybody had to alter their speed. This was a simple way to train his disciples to become him. It was a very physical tool. By simply doing that, he transformed the people who walked behind him.

So if a desire has risen within you that you want to become me, you must start from the end that you know. You cannot start from the end that you do not know. You must have noticed that this morning our meeting started at twelve noon. It is ten pm now; it has been going on continuously for ten hours. Before that we had two or three hours of telephonic meetings. this meeting may continue through the night until tomorrow morning, and I will sit here and go through all that it demands. I will sit here the whole night. I will just be going on with what I have to do, without any irritation, without any agitation; I will just do what i have to do with total involvement.

So start from this end.
Learn to conduct the day - no matter what the quality of the day, no matter what kind of people you meet, what kind of situation you face - with the same sense of involvement, with the same dedication to little things and big things.

Just do everything with the same sense of involvement and energy, without paying less attention to one thing and more attention to something else.

Pay total attention to everything. Start from this end. It can happen. Just do that.

Did you ever see me paying less attention to one person and more attention to another person?

Or did you see me pay more attention to one issue than the other?

You did not. And whatever the situations have been, or whatever the kind of people, you did not see me getting irritated or agitated. Start from that end.

Travel at the speed of light and you will become light. Travel at the pace that I move, and you will become me.

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