What you should do when your near one's breath is about to cease while encountering death ?
This is the most important moment in the life of the deceased. Please do not overlook this fact. It is the moment, when all the relatives and near one's should leave the deceased alone with the expert yogic preacher who will recite the verses from the above mentioned book. The preacher will keep reminding him about the states which he is going to experience. The suffering and crying's of the relatives disturbs the spirit of the deceased and the deceased is unable to hear what preacher is trying to say. I can understand the emotion's and pains of the relatives, of being separated from your dear one's. But this is the moment, when the deceased can realise that he is simply a void state of mind. This state of mind of the deceased continues even after death. The mind is clear, clean, uncreated yet powerful. It can avoid taking rebirth in this world of suffering and gain enlightenment. To gain enlightenment is very easy at the moment of death since the mind is many fold powerful at that time and it can understand things more clearly than our ordinary state of mind. BUT THE BIGGEST QUESTION FOR THIS MOMENT IS THAT , CAN WE FIND A YOGIC PREACHER OR BECOME ONE ?
Why people consider death as a taboo ?
It is strange that people avoid speaking on the subject of death, when the inevitable is going to happen to everyone. Wouldn't it would be wise if we become familiar with this phenomenon of death. One thing I came to know from this book is that there is existence even after death. It is not that has soon has we die, we will reincarnate in some other life form. We will have to pass through variety of visions, like dazzling lights, rays, peaceful and wrathful deities ,after death, which are coming from the centres of our own brain centres. This visions described in the book, are written with perspective of a buddhist. The visions will differ for a muslim, christian, hindu etc. There lies the secret key. One needs to understand that those visions are coming from one's own self. Those lights and deities are described in the stupendous form in the book, which I in no way can describe it my blog. What happens is, while our body is dead, the mental body is still alive. The mind becomes more lucid and clear after death and it sees things in unimaginable forms. Our conciousness is no longer entangled to our body. So these visions will come in dazzling forms. If one has lead a self-centred life, than he will be afraid of watching these visions and will try to flee away from this visions. No matter how much he may try to escape, those visions will follow him wherever he goes. The only thing the deceased can do is to recognise that this visions are emating from thy own brain. It is the part of his own intellect. On the other hand, if a person has lived a life of love, peace, joy, than that person will be able to recognise those visions. It has been specified in the book that if the person has come from yogic tradition, it will be easier for him to understand that whatever visions he see, is part of his own self. The visions and yourself are the same unity. One only needs to recognise and merge into it.

The goods news for human beings who are not in the spiritual practices is, this very book is designed, so that they can be liberated from this world. But one will need an expert preacher, who can practice, what has been prescribed in the book. The same things happen when you dream. You might had a nightmarish dream. The dream may be unreal but still you perspire in reality watching this dream. The watcher fails to recognise that this dream can cause no harm to him. The dream only acted has a reminder that there is fear inside you, which you have not addressed. What happens in this practice is, while the deceased is watching this dazzling visions, and is getting horrified by this visions, at that same time the preacher keeps reminding him that it is only a dream. No harm can come to him. Be calm and composed. Remember thy guru, the compassionate lord, or its tuteliery deities and thus it can be liberated from suffering and misery of this world.
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