Firm and disciplined inheritance in Atman without giving the least scope for the rise of any thoughts other than the deep contemplative thoughts of the self, constitutes self-surrender to the Supreme-Lord. Let any amount of burden be laid on him, He will bear it all. It is, infact, the indefinable power of the Lords that ordains, sustains and controls everything that happens. Why then should we worry, tormented by vexatious thoughts, saying "Shall we act this way ? No, that way ?" instead of meekly but happily submitting to that Power ? Knowing that the train carries all the weight, why indeed should we, the passengers travelling in it, carry our small individual articles of luggage on our laps to our great discomfort, instead of putting them aside and sitting at perfect ease ?" - Ramana Maharishi
The main point focused on by Ramana is that happiness is inherent and common to all life. Such happiness is experienced by the mind which is abiding in its source, in the spiritual heart. A mind which abides in the heart is the Self itself. Such a mind is a pure mind. When the attention is so focused on this core without paying attention to the rising thoughts, the mind subsides in its source. The mind is always aware of the bliss in the heart.
Source "Timeless in Time - Sri Ramana Maharishi" page 98.
On the seekers aspiration on how to achieve self-realisation, Sri Ramana replied "One should cast one's burden on the Lord of the Universe who is always victorious. He is the excellent doer of all actions. You should always concentrate your intellect on the heart, which is the seat of the atman and abide there.
"This does, the Lord, is powerful enough to fulfil your object in the future.
"The lord of the Universe controlling the past and the future should be entrusted as the efficient actor.
"When the time comes, the excellent object would be fulfilled. Let there be no doubt in your mind, jeewel of the learned. By steady abidance in the heart, your welfare is sure. Let the work be surrendered to Siva."
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