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There are no limitations, whatsoever, If we are devoted. A story of a Blind Devotee.

were sitting one morning in the hall in deep meditation. Suddenly there
was the sound of the tap-tap of a stick. A tall blind Muslim was trying
to find the entry to the hall with his stick. I helped him to come
inside. He asked me in Urdu where Bhagavan was sitting. I made him sit
right in front of Bhagavan and told him, "You are now sitting just in
front of Bhagavan. You can salute him". The Muslim told his story. He
lived near Peshawar and he was a moulvi (teacher) of repute.
Once he happened to hear somebody reading in Urdu about Bhagavan and at
once he felt that Bhagavan was his spiritual father and that he must go
to him. Blind as he was, he took the next train and travelled thousands
of miles all alone, changing trains many times, till at last he reached
Ramanasramam. When asked what he was going to do next,he said. "Whatever
Bhagavan tells me, I shall do". His immense faith made me ashamed of myself. How little did
the man hesitate to place his life in the hands of a South Indian
swami. And what a mountain of doubts and hesitations I had to wade
through before I came to Bhagavan's feet in earnest!
- Gudipathi Venkatachalam
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